Published on in Vol 11, No 12 (2022): December

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Exploring Stakeholder Requirements to Enable the Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in a Hospital-Based Generic Infrastructure: Protocol for a Multistep Mixed Methods Study

Exploring Stakeholder Requirements to Enable the Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in a Hospital-Based Generic Infrastructure: Protocol for a Multistep Mixed Methods Study

Exploring Stakeholder Requirements to Enable the Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in a Hospital-Based Generic Infrastructure: Protocol for a Multistep Mixed Methods Study

Lina Weinert   1, 2 , MSc ;   Maximilian Klass   1 , MSc ;   Gerd Schneider   1 , MSc ;   Oliver Heinze   1 , Dr sc hum

1 Institute of Medical Informatics, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany

2 Section for Translational Health Economics, Department for Conservative Dentistry, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany

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