Published on in Vol 10, No 8 (2021): August

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Health Impacts of Perchlorate and Pesticide Exposure: Protocol for Community-Engaged Research to Evaluate Environmental Toxicants in a US Border Community

Health Impacts of Perchlorate and Pesticide Exposure: Protocol for Community-Engaged Research to Evaluate Environmental Toxicants in a US Border Community

Health Impacts of Perchlorate and Pesticide Exposure: Protocol for Community-Engaged Research to Evaluate Environmental Toxicants in a US Border Community


  1. Sai K, Soundarajan M, Selvaraj K, Somasundaram S, Kumar P, Raghunathan M. A concise overview of perchlorate sources, contamination, and remediation techniques. Bioremediation Journal 2024;28(4):530 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Trotter R. A Companion to Medical Anthropology. View