Published on in Vol 9, No 1 (2020): January
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- Gumley A, Bradstreet S, Ainsworth J, Allan S, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Aucott L, Birchwood M, Briggs A, Bucci S, Cotton S, Engel L, French P, Lederman R, Lewis S, Machin M, MacLennan G, McLeod H, McMeekin N, Mihalopoulos C, Morton E, Norrie J, Schwannauer M, Singh S, Sundram S, Thompson A, Williams C, Yung A, Farhall J, Gleeson J. The EMPOWER blended digital intervention for relapse prevention in schizophrenia: a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial in Scotland and Australia. The Lancet Psychiatry 2022;9(6):477 View
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- Allan S, Beedie S, McLeod H, Farhall J, Gleeson J, Bradstreet S, Morton E, Bell I, Wilson-Kay A, Whitehill H, Matrunola C, Thomson D, Clark A, Gumley A. Using EMPOWER in daily life: a qualitative investigation of implementation experiences. BMC Psychiatry 2023;23(1) View
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