Published on in Vol 11, No 11 (2022): November

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The COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey in England: Protocol and Participation Profile for a Prospective Observational Cohort Study

The COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey in England: Protocol and Participation Profile for a Prospective Observational Cohort Study

The COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey in England: Protocol and Participation Profile for a Prospective Observational Cohort Study


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  2. Nguipdop-Djomo P, Oswald W, Halliday K, Cook S, Sturgess J, Sundaram N, Warren-Gash C, Fine P, Glynn J, Allen E, Clark T, Ford B, Judd A, Ireland G, Poh J, Bonell C, Dawe F, Rourke E, Diamond I, Ladhani S, Langan S, Hargreaves J, Mangtani P. Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection in primary and secondary school students and staff in England in the 2020/2021 school year: a longitudinal study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2023;128:230 View
  3. Sundaram N, Abramsky T, Oswald W, Cook S, Halliday K, Nguipdop‐Djomo P, Sturgess J, Ireland G, Ladhani S, Mangtani P, Langan S, Hargreaves J, Bonell C. Implementation of COVID‐19 Preventive Measures and Staff Well‐Being in a Sample of English Schools 2020‐2021. Journal of School Health 2023;93(4):266 View
  4. Sundaram N, Tilouche N, Cullen L, Hosseini P, Nguipdop-Djomo P, Langan S, Hargreaves J, Bonell C. Qualitative longitudinal research on the experience of implementing Covid-19 prevention in English schools. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 2023;3:100257 View
  5. Warren-Gash C, Lacey A, Cook S, Stocker D, Toon S, Lelii F, Ford B, Ireland G, Ladhani S, Stephenson T, Nguipdop-Djomo P, Mangtani P, McClenahan E, McKay G, Phelan J, Lin L, Lewin A, Judd A, Davies B, Saib A, McCrae J, Kelly J, Diamond I, Rourke E, Dawe F, Jones P. Post-COVID-19 condition and persisting symptoms in English schoolchildren: repeated surveys to March 2022. BMC Infectious Diseases 2023;23(1) View
  6. Looker K, McClenaghan E, Judd A, Pierotti L, Downing H, Phelan J, Warren-Gash C, Ngozi K, Dawe F, Relton C, Christensen H, Hay A, Mangtani P, Nguipdop-Djomo P, Denholm R, Yon D. Acute and long-term outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in school-aged children in England: Study protocol for the joint analysis of the COVID-19 schools infection survey (SIS) and the COVID-19 mapping and mitigation in schools (CoMMinS) study. PLOS ONE 2024;19(5):e0303892 View
  7. McClenaghan E, Nguipdop-Djomo P, Lewin A, Warren-Gash C, Cook S, Mangtani P. COVID-19 infections in English schools and the households of students and staff 2020–21: a self-controlled case-series analysis. International Journal of Epidemiology 2024;53(4) View