Published on in Vol 9, No 9 (2020): September

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Effects of an Overground Walking Program With a Robotic Exoskeleton on Long-Term Manual Wheelchair Users With a Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: Protocol for a Self-Controlled Interventional Study

Effects of an Overground Walking Program With a Robotic Exoskeleton on Long-Term Manual Wheelchair Users With a Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: Protocol for a Self-Controlled Interventional Study

Effects of an Overground Walking Program With a Robotic Exoskeleton on Long-Term Manual Wheelchair Users With a Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: Protocol for a Self-Controlled Interventional Study


  1. Bass A, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Morin S, Gagnon D. Preliminary training volume and progression algorithm to tackle fragility fracture risk during exoskeleton-assisted overground walking in individuals with a chronic spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord Series and Cases 2022;8(1) View
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  4. Bass A, Morin S, Guidea M, Lam J, Karelis A, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Gagnon D. Potential Effects of an Exoskeleton-Assisted Overground Walking Program for Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury Who Uses a Wheelchair on Imaging and Serum Markers of Bone Strength: Pre-Post Study. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 2024;11:e53084 View
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  6. Vincent C, Dumont F, Rogers M, Hu T, Bass A, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Karelis A, Morin S, McKerral M, Duclos C, Gagnon D. Perspectives of wheelchair users with chronic spinal cord injury following a walking program using a wearable robotic exoskeleton. Disability and Rehabilitation 2024:1 View
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  8. Vincent C, Bass A, Dumont F, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Karelis A, Morin S, McKerral M, Duclos C, Gagnon D. Updating the Montreal walking exoskeleton satisfaction and perspectives questionnaire (MWESP-Q) following a 16-week walking program with the use of a wearable robotic exoskeleton. Technology and Disability 2024;36(1-2):39 View
  9. Bass A, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Vincent C, Duclos C, Gagnon D. Upper limb muscle strength and wheelchair-related abilities following an exoskeleton-assisted walking programme in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury: An exploratory study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2024;56:jrm19461 View