Published on in Vol 9, No 5 (2020): May
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- Buszkiewicz J, Bobb J, Hurvitz P, Arterburn D, Moudon A, Cook A, Mooney S, Cruz M, Gupta S, Lozano P, Rosenberg D, Theis M, Anau J, Drewnowski A. Does the built environment have independent obesogenic power? Urban form and trajectories of weight gain. International Journal of Obesity 2021;45(9):1914 View
- Bobb J, Cruz M, Mooney S, Drewnowski A, Arterburn D, Cook A. Accounting for Spatial Confounding in Epidemiological Studies with Individual-Level Exposures: An Exposure-Penalized Spline Approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 2022;185(3):1271 View
- Mooney S, Song L, Drewnowski A, Buskiewicz J, Mooney S, Saelens B, Arterburn D. From the clinic to the community: Can health system data accurately estimate population obesity prevalence?. Obesity 2021;29(11):1961 View
- Cruz M, Drewnowski A, Bobb J, Hurvitz P, Vernez Moudon A, Cook A, Mooney S, Buszkiewicz J, Lozano P, Rosenberg D, Kapos F, Theis M, Anau J, Arterburn D. Differences in Weight Gain Following Residential Relocation in the Moving to Health (M2H) Study. Epidemiology 2022;33(5):747 View
- Buszkiewicz J, Bobb J, Kapos F, Hurvitz P, Arterburn D, Moudon A, Cook A, Mooney S, Cruz M, Gupta S, Lozano P, Rosenberg D, Theis M, Anau J, Drewnowski A. Differential associations of the built environment on weight gain by sex and race/ethnicity but not age. International Journal of Obesity 2021;45(12):2648 View
- Rosenberg D, Cruz M, Mooney S, Bobb J, Drewnowski A, Moudon A, Cook A, Hurvitz P, Lozano P, Anau J, Theis M, Arterburn D. Neighborhood built and food environment in relation to glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes in the moving to health study. Health & Place 2024;86:103216 View
- Lozano P, Bobb J, Kapos F, Cruz M, Mooney S, Hurvitz P, Anau J, Theis M, Cook A, Moudon A, Arterburn D, Drewnowski A. Residential Density Is Associated With BMI Trajectories in Children and Adolescents: Findings From the Moving to Health Study. AJPM Focus 2024;3(3):100225 View
- Bobb J, Mooney S, Cruz M, Vernez Moudon A, Drewnowski A, Arterburn D, Cook A. Distributed lag models for retrospective cohort data with application to a study of built environment and body weight. Biometrics 2025;81(1) View