Published on in Vol 9, No 4 (2020): April

Effectiveness of Gastric Bypass Versus Gastric Sleeve for Cardiovascular Disease: Protocol and Baseline Results for a Comparative Effectiveness Study

Effectiveness of Gastric Bypass Versus Gastric Sleeve for Cardiovascular Disease: Protocol and Baseline Results for a Comparative Effectiveness Study

Effectiveness of Gastric Bypass Versus Gastric Sleeve for Cardiovascular Disease: Protocol and Baseline Results for a Comparative Effectiveness Study


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  3. Basu A, Barton L, Fischer H, Reynolds K, Arterburn D, Barthold D, Courcoulas A, Crawford C, Fedorka P, Kim B, Mun E, Murali S, Zane R, Coleman K. Comparative effectiveness of gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy on predicted 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease 5 years after surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 2022;18(6):716 View
  4. Barthold D, Brouwer E, Barton L, Arterburn D, Basu A, Courcoulas A, Crawford C, Fedorka P, Fischer H, Kim B, Mun E, Murali S, Reynolds K, Yoon T, Zane R, Coleman K. Minimum Threshold of Bariatric Surgical Weight Loss for Initial Diabetes Remission. Diabetes Care 2022;45(1):92 View
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  6. Moler-Zapata S, Grieve R, Lugo-Palacios D, Hutchings A, Silverwood R, Keele L, Kircheis T, Cromwell D, Smart N, Hinchliffe R, O’Neill S. Local Instrumental Variable Methods to Address Confounding and Heterogeneity when Using Electronic Health Records: An Application to Emergency Surgery. Medical Decision Making 2022;42(8):1010 View
  7. Coleman K, Basu A, Barton L, Fischer H, Arterburn D, Barthold D, Courcoulas A, Crawford C, Kim B, Fedorka P, Mun E, Murali S, Reynolds K, Zane R, Alskaf S. Remission and Relapse of Dyslipidemia After Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Population. JAMA Network Open 2022;5(9):e2233843 View