Published on in Vol 9, No 12 (2020): December

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Effect of PARACT (PARAmedical Interventions on Patient ACTivation) on the Cancer Care Pathway: Protocol for Implementation of the Patient Activation Measure-13 Item (PAM-13) Version

Effect of PARACT (PARAmedical Interventions on Patient ACTivation) on the Cancer Care Pathway: Protocol for Implementation of the Patient Activation Measure-13 Item (PAM-13) Version

Effect of PARACT (PARAmedical Interventions on Patient ACTivation) on the Cancer Care Pathway: Protocol for Implementation of the Patient Activation Measure-13 Item (PAM-13) Version

Elise Verot   1 , PhD ;   Wafa Bouleftour   2 , PhD ;   Corinne Macron   3 , MHA ;   Romain Rivoirard   2 , MD, PhD ;   Franck Chauvin   1 , MD, PhD

1 Centre Hygée, University of Saint-Etienne, University of Lyon, Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, France

2 Medical Oncology Department, Institut de Cancérologie de la Loire, Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, France

3 Institut de Cancérologie de la Loire, Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, France

Corresponding Author:

  • Elise Verot, PhD
  • Centre Hygée
  • University of Saint-Etienne
  • University of Lyon
  • Hesper EA 7425, Rue de la Marandière
  • Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, 42023
  • France
  • Phone: 33 682309796
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