Published on in Vol 7, No 4 (2018): April

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DIABEO App Software and Telemedicine Versus Usual Follow-Up in the Treatment of Diabetic Patients: Protocol for the TELESAGE Randomized Controlled Trial

DIABEO App Software and Telemedicine Versus Usual Follow-Up in the Treatment of Diabetic Patients: Protocol for the TELESAGE Randomized Controlled Trial

DIABEO App Software and Telemedicine Versus Usual Follow-Up in the Treatment of Diabetic Patients: Protocol for the TELESAGE Randomized Controlled Trial


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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Franc S. Handbook of Diabetes Technology. View
  2. Andrès E, Meyer L, Zulfiqar A, Hajjam M, Talha S, Ervé S, Hajjam J, Jeandidier N, Hajjam El Hassani A. Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. View
  3. Andrès E, Jeandidier N, Talha S, Zulfiqar A, Meyer L, Lorenzo Villalba N, Bahougne T, Hajjam M, Hajjam El Hassani A. Recent Advances in Digital System Diagnosis and Management of Healthcare. View