Published on in Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Apr-Jun

- Brakenridge C, Chong Y, Winkler E, Hadgraft N, Fjeldsoe B, Johnston V, Straker L, Healy G, Clark B. Evaluating Short-Term Musculoskeletal Pain Changes in Desk-Based Workers Receiving a Workplace Sitting-Reduction Intervention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018;15(9):1975 View
- Dutheil F, Duclos M, Naughton G, Dewavrin S, Cornet T, Huguet P, Chatard J, Pereira B. WittyFit—Live Your Work Differently: Study Protocol for a Workplace-Delivered Health Promotion. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(4):e58 View
- Brakenridge C, Healy G, Winkler E, Fjeldsoe B. What Do Workers Do to Reduce Their Sitting Time? The Relationships of Strategy Use and Workplace Support With Desk-Based Workers’ Behavior Changes in a Workplace-Delivered Sitting-Reduction and Activity-Promoting Intervention. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2018;60(11):1026 View
- Brakenridge C, Healy G, Hadgraft N, Young D, Fjeldsoe B. Australian employee perceptions of an organizational-level intervention to reduce sitting. Health Promotion International 2018;33(6):968 View
- Buckingham S, Williams A, Morrissey K, Price L, Harrison J. Mobile health interventions to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour in the workplace: A systematic review. DIGITAL HEALTH 2019;5 View
- Bosma A, Boot C, Schaafsma F, Kok G, Anema J. Development of an Intervention to Create a Supportive Work Environment for Employees with Chronic Conditions: An Intervention Mapping Approach. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2020;30(4):624 View
- Morris A, Murphy R, Shepherd S, Graves L. Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives of Factors That Influence Contact Centre Call Agents’ Workplace Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018;15(7):1484 View
- Wolfenden L, Goldman S, Stacey F, Grady A, Kingsland M, Williams C, Wiggers J, Milat A, Rissel C, Bauman A, Farrell M, Légaré F, Ben Charif A, Zomahoun H, Hodder R, Jones J, Booth D, Parmenter B, Regan T, Yoong S. Strategies to improve the implementation of workplace-based policies or practices targeting tobacco, alcohol, diet, physical activity and obesity. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018;2019(2) View
- Brakenridge C, Healy G, Winkler E, Fjeldsoe B. Usage, Acceptability, and Effectiveness of an Activity Tracker in a Randomized Trial of a Workplace Sitting Intervention: Mixed-Methods Evaluation. Interactive Journal of Medical Research 2018;7(1):e5 View
- Healy G, Eakin E, Winkler E, Hadgraft N, Dunstan D, Gilson N, Goode A. Assessing the Feasibility and Pre-Post Impact Evaluation of the Beta (Test) Version of the BeUpstanding Champion Toolkit in Reducing Workplace Sitting: Pilot Study. JMIR Formative Research 2018;2(2):e17 View
- Parry S, Coenen P, Shrestha N, O'Sullivan P, Maher C, Straker L. Workplace interventions for increasing standing or walking for decreasing musculoskeletal symptoms in sedentary workers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019 View
- Wallmann-Sperlich B, Chau J, Froboese I. Self-reported actual and desired proportion of sitting, standing, walking and physically demanding tasks of office employees in the workplace setting: do they fit together?. BMC Research Notes 2017;10(1) View
- Mackenzie K, Such E, Norman P, Goyder E. The development, implementation and evaluation of interventions to reduce workplace sitting: a qualitative systematic review and evidence-based operational framework. BMC Public Health 2018;18(1) View
- Brakenridge C, Fjeldsoe B, Young D, Winkler E, Dunstan D, Straker L, Healy G. Evaluating the effectiveness of organisational-level strategies with or without an activity tracker to reduce office workers’ sitting time: a cluster-randomised trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2016;13(1) View
- Healy G, Goode A, Abbott A, Burzic J, Clark B, Dunstan D, Eakin E, Frith M, Gilson N, Gao L, Gunning L, Jetann J, LaMontagne A, Lawler S, Moodie M, Nguyen P, Owen N, Straker L, Timmins P, Ulyate L, Winkler E. Supporting Workers to Sit Less and Move More Through the Web-Based BeUpstanding Program: Protocol for a Single-Arm, Repeated Measures Implementation Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2020;9(5):e15756 View
- Shrestha N, Kukkonen-Harjula K, Verbeek J, Ijaz S, Hermans V, Pedisic Z. Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018;2018(12) View
- Edwardson C, Biddle S, Clarke-Cornwell A, Clemes S, Davies M, Dunstan D, Eborall H, Granat M, Gray L, Healy G, Richardson G, Yates T, Munir F. A three arm cluster randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the SMART Work & Life intervention for reducing daily sitting time in office workers: study protocol. BMC Public Health 2018;18(1) View
- Loveday A, Sherar L, Sanders J, Sanderson P, Esliger D. Novel technology to help understand the context of physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Physiological Measurement 2016;37(10):1834 View
- Shrestha N, Kukkonen-Harjula K, Verbeek J, Ijaz S, Hermans V, Pedisic Z. Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018 View
- Brickwood K, Watson G, O'Brien J, Williams A. Consumer-Based Wearable Activity Trackers Increase Physical Activity Participation: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(4):e11819 View
- Morris A, Murphy R, Hopkins N, Low D, Healy G, Edwardson C, Collins B, Timpson H, Shepherd S, Cochrane M, Gavin D, Graves L. Sit Less and Move More—A Multicomponent Intervention With and Without Height-Adjustable Workstations in Contact Center Call Agents. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2021;63(1):44 View
- Brakenridge C, Gardiner P, Grigg R, Winkler E, Fjeldsoe B, Schaumberg M, Owen N, Eakin E, Biddle S, Moodie M, Daly R, Green D, Cohen N, Gray L, Comans T, Buman M, Goode A, Nguyen P, Gao L, Healy G, Dunstan D. Sitting less and moving more for improved metabolic and brain health in type 2 diabetes: ‘OPTIMISE your health’ trial protocol. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1) View
- Edwardson C, Biddle S, Clemes S, Davies M, Dunstan D, Eborall H, Granat M, Gray L, Healy G, Jaicim N, Lawton S, Maylor B, Munir F, Richardson G, Yates T, Clarke-Cornwell A. Effectiveness of an intervention for reducing sitting time and improving health in office workers: three arm cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2022:e069288 View
- Edwardson C, Maylor B, Biddle S, Clemes S, Cox E, Davies M, Dunstan D, Eborall H, Granat M, Gray L, Hadjiconstantinou M, Healy G, Jaicim N, Lawton S, Mandalia P, Munir F, Richardson G, Walker S, Yates T, Clarke-Cornwell A. A multicomponent intervention to reduce daily sitting time in office workers: the SMART Work & Life three-arm cluster RCT. Public Health Research 2023:1 View
- El Kirat H, van Belle S, Khattabi A, Belrhiti Z. Behavioral change interventions, theories, and techniques to reduce physical inactivity and sedentary behavior in the general population: a scoping review. BMC Public Health 2024;24(1) View