Published on in Vol 3, No 4 (2014): Oct-Dec
- Kelly-Hanku A, Bell S, Ase S, Boli-Neo R, Vallely A, Badman S, Nightingale C, Wapling J. Developing a culturally appropriate illustrated tool for the self-collection of anorectal specimens for the testing of sexually transmitted infections: lessons from Papua New Guinea. BMC Public Health 2019;19(1) View
- Stahlman S, Hargreaves J, Sprague L, Stangl A, Baral S. Measuring Sexual Behavior Stigma to Inform Effective HIV Prevention and Treatment Programs for Key Populations. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2017;3(2):e23 View
- Shaver J, Sullivan P, Siegler A, de Voux A, Phaswana-Mafuya N, Bekker L, Baral S, Wirtz A, Beyrer C, Brown B, Stephenson R. Comparing Provider and Client Preferences for HIV Prevention Services in South Africa among Men Who Have Sex with Men. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC) 2017;16(6):562 View
- Stahlman S, Sanchez T, Sullivan P, Ketende S, Lyons C, Charurat M, Drame F, Diouf D, Ezouatchi R, Kouanda S, Anato S, Mothopeng T, Mnisi Z, Baral S. The Prevalence of Sexual Behavior Stigma Affecting Gay Men and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Across Sub-Saharan Africa and in the United States. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2016;2(2):e35 View
- Baker H, Fried A, Cloete A, Sigel C, Miranda D, Guillen J, Rochat R, Siegler A. “Give What the People Want”: A Situational Analysis of Condom Distribution and a Feasibility Study of User-Friendly Condoms in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 2018;29(6):887 View
- Bórquez A, Cori A, Pufall E, Kasule J, Slaymaker E, Price A, Elmes J, Zaba B, Crampin A, Kagaayi J, Lutalo T, Urassa M, Gregson S, Hallett T, Low N. The Incidence Patterns Model to Estimate the Distribution of New HIV Infections in Sub-Saharan Africa: Development and Validation of a Mathematical Model. PLOS Medicine 2016;13(9):e1002121 View
- Hassan N, Swartz L, Kagee A, De Wet A, Lesch A, Kafaar Z, Newman P. “There is not a safe space where they can find themselves to be free”: (Un)safe spaces and the promotion of queer visibilities among township males who have sex with males (MSM) in Cape Town, South Africa. Health & Place 2018;49:93 View
- Siegler A, Boos E, Rosenberg E, Cecil M, Sullivan P. Validation of an Event-Level, Male Sexual Pleasure Scale (EMSEXpleasure) Among Condom-Using Men in the U.S.. Archives of Sexual Behavior 2018;47(6):1745 View
- Sullivan P, Jones J, Kishore N, Stephenson R. The Roles of Technology in Primary HIV Prevention for Men Who Have Sex with Men. Current HIV/AIDS Reports 2015;12(4):481 View
- Jones J, Sanchez T, Dominguez K, Bekker L, Phaswana‐Mafuya N, Baral S, McNaghten A, Kgatitswe L, Valencia R, Yah C, Zahn R, Siegler A, Sullivan P. Sexually transmitted infection screening, prevalence and incidence among South African men and transgender women who have sex with men enrolled in a combination HIV prevention cohort study: the Sibanye Methods for Prevention Packages Programme (MP3) project. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2020;23(S6) View
- Sullivan P, Phaswana‐Mafuya N, Baral S, Valencia R, Zahn R, Dominguez K, Yah C, Jones J, Kgatitswe L, McNaghten A, Siegler A, Sanchez T, Bekker L. HIV prevalence and incidence in a cohort of South African men and transgender women who have sex with men: the Sibanye Methods for Prevention Packages Programme (MP3) project. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2020;23(S6) View
- Stone J, Mukandavire C, Boily M, Fraser H, Mishra S, Schwartz S, Rao A, Looker K, Quaife M, Terris‐Prestholt F, Marr A, Lane T, Coetzee J, Gray G, Otwombe K, Milovanovic M, Hausler H, Young K, Mcingana M, Ncedani M, Puren A, Hunt G, Kose Z, Phaswana‐Mafuya N, Baral S, Vickerman P. Estimating the contribution of key populations towards HIV transmission in South Africa. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2021;24(1) View
- Hassan N, Tucker A. “We have to create our own community”: Addressing HIV/AIDS among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) in the Neuropolis. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2021;46(3):598 View
- Brown C, Siegler A, Zahn R, Valencia R, Sanchez T, Kramer M, Phaswana-Mafuya N, Stephenson R, Bekker L, Baral S, Sullivan P. Assessing the association of stigma and HIV service and prevention uptake among men who have sex with men and transgender women in South Africa. AIDS Care 2023;35(10):1497 View
- Bekker L, Giovenco D, Baral S, Dominguez K, Valencia R, Sanchez T, McNaghten A, Zahn R, Yah C, Sokhela Z, Kaplan R, Phaswana-Mafuya R, Beyrer C, Sullivan P. Oral pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake, adherence, and adverse events among South African men who have sex with men and transgender women. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine 2022;23(1) View