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Published on 17.09.14 in Vol 3, No 3 (2014): Jul-Sep

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Works citing "Social Networking Versus Facebook Advertising to Recruit Survey Respondents: A Quasi-Experimental Study"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/resprot.3317):

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  1. Forgasz H, Tan H, Leder G, McLeod A. Enhancing survey participation: Facebook advertisements for recruitment in educational research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education 2018;41(3):257
  2. Tustin JL, Crowcroft NS, Gesink D, Johnson I, Keelan J, Lachapelle B. Facebook Recruitment of Vaccine-Hesitant Canadian Parents: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2017;3(3):e47
  3. Abbate KJ, Hingle MD, Armin J, Giacobbi Jr P, Gordon JS. Recruiting Women to a Mobile Health Smoking Cessation Trial: Low- and No-Cost Strategies. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(11):e219
  4. Hokke S, Hackworth NJ, Quin N, Bennetts SK, Win HY, Nicholson JM, Zion L, Lucke J, Keyzer P, Crawford SB, Jan Y. Ethical issues in using the internet to engage participants in family and child research: A scoping review. PLOS ONE 2018;13(9):e0204572
  5. Jerome RN, Dunkel L, Kennedy N, Olson EJ, Pulley JM, Bernard G, Wilkins CH, Harris PA. To end disease tomorrow, begin with trials today: Digital strategies for increased awareness of a clinical trials finder. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 2019;3(4):190
  6. Gaupp-Berghausen M, Raser E, Anaya-Boig E, Avila-Palencia I, de Nazelle A, Dons E, Franzen H, Gerike R, Götschi T, Iacorossi F, Hössinger R, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Rojas-Rueda D, Sanchez J, Smeds E, Deforth M, Standaert A, Stigell E, Cole-Hunter T, Int Panis L. Evaluation of Different Recruitment Methods: Longitudinal, Web-Based, Pan-European Physical Activity Through Sustainable Transport Approaches (PASTA) Project. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(5):e11492
  7. Prescott TL, Phillips II G, DuBois LZ, Bull SS, Mustanski B, Ybarra ML. Reaching Adolescent Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men Online: Development and Refinement of a National Recruitment Strategy. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(8):e200
  8. Simpson S, Taylor BV, van der Mei I. The role of epidemiology in MS research: Past successes, current challenges and future potential. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2015;21(8):969
  9. Lam E, Partridge SR, Allman‐Farinelli M. Strategies for successful recruitment of young adults to healthy lifestyle programmes for the prevention of weight gain: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews 2016;17(2):178
  10. Guillory J, Kim A, Murphy J, Bradfield B, Nonnemaker J, Hsieh Y. Comparing Twitter and Online Panels for Survey Recruitment of E-Cigarette Users and Smokers. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(11):e288
  11. Adam LM, Manca DP, Bell RC. Can Facebook Be Used for Research? Experiences Using Facebook to Recruit Pregnant Women for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2016;18(9):e250
  12. . The potential of online sampling for studying political activists around the world and across time. Political Analysis 2017;25(3):329
  13. Akers L, Gordon JS. Using Facebook for Large-Scale Online Randomized Clinical Trial Recruitment: Effective Advertising Strategies. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(11):e290
  14. Thornton LK, Harris K, Baker AL, Johnson M, Kay‐Lambkin FJ. Recruiting for addiction research via Facebook. Drug and Alcohol Review 2016;35(4):494
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  16. Oesterle S, Epstein M, Haggerty KP, Moreno MA. Using Facebook to Recruit Parents to Participate in a Family Program to Prevent Teen Drug Use. Prevention Science 2018;19(4):559
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  34. . Antecedents to Following Brands on Facebook and Instagram with Moderating Role of User Experience. FIIB Business Review 2023;:231971452211510
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