Published on in Vol 8, No 2 (2019): February

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Digital Technology in Somatic and Gene Therapy Trials of Pediatric Patients With Ocular Diseases: Protocol for a Scoping Review

Digital Technology in Somatic and Gene Therapy Trials of Pediatric Patients With Ocular Diseases: Protocol for a Scoping Review

Digital Technology in Somatic and Gene Therapy Trials of Pediatric Patients With Ocular Diseases: Protocol for a Scoping Review

Edward Meinert   1, 2 , MA, MSc, MBA, MPA, CEng FBCS FCMI ;   Abrar Alturkistani   1 , BSc, MPH ;   Tasnime Osama   1 , MBBCH, MPH ;   Celine-Lea Halioua-Haubold   3 , BSc ;   Josip Car   1 , MBBCh, PhD ;   Azeem Majeed   4 , MBBCh, MD ;   Glenn Wells   5 , PhD ;   Robert E MacLaren   3 , MB ChB, DPhil, FRCOphth, FRCS, FACS, FMedSci ;   David Brindley   6 , BSC, MS, PhD

1 Department of Primary Care and Public Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

2 Healthcare Translation Research Group, Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

3 Clinical Ophthalmology Research Group, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

4 Department of Primary Care and Public Health, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

5 Oxford Academic Health Science Centre, Oxford, United Kingdom

6 Healthcare Translation Group, Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Corresponding Author:

  • Edward Meinert, MA, MSc, MBA, MPA, CEng FBCS FCMI
  • Healthcare Translation Research Group
  • Department of Paediatrics
  • University of Oxford
  • John Radcliffe, Children's Hospital
  • Oxford
  • United Kingdom
  • Phone: 44 7824446808
  • Email: