Published on in Vol 6, No 5 (2017): May

- Jesus L, Martinez J, Santos J, Hall A, Joffe V. Comparing Traditional and Tablet-Based Intervention for Children With Speech Sound Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2019;62(11):4045 View
- van den Heuvel R, Lexis M, de Witte L. ZORA Robot Based Interventions to Achieve Therapeutic and Educational Goals in Children with Severe Physical Disabilities. International Journal of Social Robotics 2020;12(2):493 View
- MacIntosh A, Vignais N, Vigneron V, Fay L, Musielak A, Desailly E, Biddiss E. The design and evaluation of electromyography and inertial biofeedback in hand motor therapy gaming. Assistive Technology 2022;34(2):213 View
- Gandhi D, Pandian J, Szturm T, Kanitkar A, Kate M, Bhanot K. A computer-game-based rehabilitation platform for individuals with fine and gross motor upper extremity deficits post-stroke (CARE fOR U) – Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. European Stroke Journal 2021;6(3):291 View
- Zanella L, Valentini N, Copetti F, Nobre G. Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - Second Edition (PDMS-2): Reliability, content and construct validity evidence for Brazilian children. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2021;111:103871 View
- Kanitkar A, Parmar S, Szturm T, Restall G, Rempel G, Naik N, Gaonkar N, Sepehri N, Ankolekar B. Reliability and validity of a computer game-based tool of upper extremity assessment for object manipulation tasks in children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering 2021;8 View
- Parmar S, Kanitkar A, Sepehri N, Bhairannawar S, Szturm T. Computer Game-Based Telerehabilitation Platform Targeting Manual Dexterity: Exercise Is Fun. “You Are Kidding—Right?”. Sensors 2021;21(17):5766 View
- Dontha B, Swearingen K, Swearingen S, Thrane S, Kiourti A. Wearable Sensors Based on Force-Sensitive Resistors for Touch-Based Collaborative Digital Gaming. Sensors 2022;22(1):342 View
- Kim N, Yu J, Yoon S, Park K, Min Y, Yoon J, Bae Y, Yang Y, Jung S, Ha J. ‘Talky Land’, a Cognitive-Communication Training Application as Digital Therapeutics: Effects on Vocabulary and Articulation. Communication Sciences & Disorders 2023;28(2):405 View
- Deshpande V, Metgud D, Gadre M, Kale S. Effectiveness of Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-2 as an Outcome Measure: A Systematic Review. Indian journal of physical therapy and research 2023;5(2):125 View