Published on in Vol 6, No 3 (2017): March

- Cortesi E, Caponnetto S, Masi G, Urbano F, Mezi S, Gelibter A, Pelle G, Filippi L, Cianni R. Efficacy and Tolerability of Selective Internal Radiotherapy With Yttrium-90 as Consolidation Treatment After Chemotherapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Clinical Colorectal Cancer 2020;19(4):e272 View
- Schmoll H. Selective internal radiotherapy in advanced colorectal cancer: only for right-sided tumours?. The Lancet Oncology 2017;18(9):1138 View
- Gibbs P, Heinemann V, Sharma N, Taieb J, Ricke J, Peeters M, Findlay M, Robinson B, Jackson C, Strickland A, Gebski V, Van Buskirk M, Zhao H, van Hazel G, Brown M, Burge M, Cardaci G, Clarke S, Eliadis P, Ferguson T, Ganju V, Gibbs P, James P, Karapetis C, Liauw W, Marx G, Matos M, Nott L, Pavlakis N, Powell A, Price T, Ransom D, Segelov E, Shannon J, Singhal N, Walpole E, Craninx M, Delaunoit T, Deleporte A, Ferrante M, Geboes K, Hendlisz A, Hendrickx K, De Man M, Monsaert E, Moons V, Polus M, Boucher E, Balosso J, Chevallier P, Louafi S, Pracht M, Rebischung C, Smith D, Terrebonne E, Bruch H, Gehbauer G, Helmberger T, Ko Y, Kröning H, Lammert F, Nusch A, Pluntke S, Ridwelski K, Riera-Knorrenschild J, Riess H, Riera J, Sauerbruch T, Scheidhauer K, Stötzer O, Tatsch K, Vehling-Kaiser U, Vogl T, Beny A, Geva R, Shacham-Shmueli E, Stemmer S, Tichler T, Wolf I, Angelelli B, Martoni A, Findlay M, Isaacs R, O’Donnell A, Perez D, Robinson B, Rodríguez J, Vera-Garcia R, Amin P, Bloomgarden D, Bui J, Carlisle J, Chai S, Chen Y, Chuong M, Coveler A, Facchini F, Frenette G, Frick J, Garofalo M, George B, Gordon M, Gulec S, Hannigan J, Holtzman M, Kaubisch A, Kaiser A, Kooy T, Limentani S, Margolis J, Martin R, Ozer H, Padia S, Rilling W, Savin M, Schneiderman E, Seeger G, Sharma N, Shibata S, Smith R, Wang E, Whiting S, Aghmesheh M, Burge M, Cooray P, Feeney K, Lim L, Singh M, Underhill C, Deleporte A, Durand A, Faivre S, Ferru A, Hammel P, Bremer C, De Wit M, Ayala H, Heching N, Shani A, Granetto C, Masi G, Mosconi S, Numico G, Trogu A, Kim Y, Sae-Won H, Jackson C, O'Donnell A, Fragoso M, Tan I, Casado A, Liang J, Liu J, Ades S, Auber M, Boland P, Bowers C, Crain M, Dowling K, Iyer R, Ratner L, Sanchez F, Stoltzfus P, Westcott M. Effect of Primary Tumor Side on Survival Outcomes in Untreated Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer When Selective Internal Radiation Therapy Is Added to Chemotherapy: Combined Analysis of Two Randomized Controlled Studies. Clinical Colorectal Cancer 2018;17(4):e617 View
- Chakedis J, Squires M, Beal E, Hughes T, Lewis H, Paredes A, Al-Mansour M, Sun S, Cloyd J, Pawlik T. Update on current problems in colorectal liver metastasis. Current Problems in Surgery 2017;54(11):554 View
- Lee E, Chung H, Jo J, So Y. Radioembolization for the Treatment of Primary and Metastatic Liver Cancers. Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019;53(6):367 View
- Wolstenholme J, Fusco F, Gray A, Moschandreas J, Virdee P, Love S, Van Hazel G, Gibbs P, Wasan H, Sharma R. Quality of life in the FOXFIRE, SIRFLOX and FOXFIRE‐global randomised trials of selective internal radiotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer. International Journal of Cancer 2020;147(4):1078 View
- Spyridonidis T, Spyridonidis J, Papathanasiou N, Katsanos K. History and development of radioembolization. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2019;40(7):684 View
- Wasan H, Gibbs P, Sharma N, Taieb J, Heinemann V, Ricke J, Peeters M, Findlay M, Weaver A, Mills J, Wilson C, Adams R, Francis A, Moschandreas J, Virdee P, Dutton P, Love S, Gebski V, Gray A, van Hazel G, Sharma R, Bateman A, Blesing C, Brown E, Chau I, Cummins S, Cunningham D, Falk S, Hadaki M, Hall M, Hickish T, Hornbuckle J, Lofts F, Lowndes S, Mayer A, Metcalfe M, Middleton G, Montazeri A, Muirhead R, Polychronis A, Purcell C, Ross P, Sherwin L, Smith D, Soomal R, Swinson D, Walther A, Wasan H, Wilson G, Amin P, Angelelli B, Balosso J, Beny A, Bloomgarden D, Boucher E, Brown M, Bruch H, Bui J, Burge M, Cardaci G, Carlisle J, Chai S, Chen Y, Chevallier P, Chuong M, Clarke S, Coveler A, Craninx M, Delanoit T, Deleporte A, Eliadis P, Facchini F, Ferguson T, Ferrante M, Frenette G, Frick J, Ganju V, Garofalo M, Geboes K, Gehbauer G, George B, Geva R, Gordon M, Gregory K, Gulec S, Hannigan J, Heching N, Helmberger T, Hendlisz A, Hendrickx K, Holtzman M, Isaacs R, Jackson C, James P, Kaiser A, Karapetis C, Kaubisch A, Ko Y, Kröning H, Lammert F, Liauw W, Limentani S, Louafi S, de Man M, Margolis J, Martin R, Martoni A, Marx G, Matos M, Monsaert E, Moons V, Nott L, Nusch A, O'Donnell A, Ozer H, Padia S, Pavlakis N, Perez D, Pluntke S, Polus M, Powell A, Pracht M, Price T, Ransom D, Rebischung C, Ridwelski K, Riera-Knorrenschild J, Riess H, Rilling W, Robinson B, Rodríguez J, Sanchez F, Sauerbruch T, Savin M, Scheidhauer K, Schneiderman E, Seeger G, Segelov E, Schmueli E, Shani A, Shannon J, Sharma N, Shibata S, Singhal N, Smith D, Smith R, Stemmer S, Stötzer O, Strickland A, Tatsch K, Terrebonne E, Tichler T, Vehling-Kaiser U, Vera-Garcia R, Vogl T, Walpole E, Wang E, Whiting S, Wolf I, Ades S, Aghmesheh M, Auber M, Ayala H, Boland P, Bouche E, Bowers C, Bremer C, Burge M, Casado A, Cooray P, Crain M, De Wit M, Dowling K, Durand A, Faivre S, Feeney K, Ferguson T, Ferru A, Fragoso M, Granetto C, Hammel P, Issacs R, Iyer R, Kim Y, Liang J, Lim L, Liu J, Masi G, Mosconi S, Numico G, Ratner L, Sae-Won H, Singh M, Stoltzfus P, Tan I, Trogu A, Underhill C, Westcott M. First-line selective internal radiotherapy plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer (FOXFIRE, SIRFLOX, and FOXFIRE-Global): a combined analysis of three multicentre, randomised, phase 3 trials. The Lancet Oncology 2017;18(9):1159 View
- van Roekel C, Jongen J, Smits M, Elias S, Koopman M, Kranenburg O, Borel Rinkes I, Lam M. Mode of progression after radioembolization in patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases. EJNMMI Research 2020;10(1) View
- Lloy S, Lin M, Franko J, Raman S. The Future of Interventions for Stage IV Colorectal Cancers. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery 2024;37(02):114 View
- Raphael M, Karanicolas P. Regional Therapy for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases: Which Modality and When?. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022;40(24):2806 View
- Sulciner M, Clancy T. Surgical Management of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. Cancers 2023;15(7):2006 View
Books/Policy Documents
- Sciuto R, Rea S, Pizzi G, Vallati G, Strigari L. Clinical Applications of Nuclear Medicine Targeted Therapy. View
- Gulec S. Cancer Regional Therapy. View
- Spolverato G, Deipolyi A, D’Angelica M. Cancer Regional Therapy. View
- Karaosmanoglu A, Onur M, Akhan O. Textbook of Gastrointestinal Oncology. View
- van Roekel C, Braat A, Smits M, Bruijnen R, de Keizer B, Lam M. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. View
- Chandegra B, Prajapati P, Prajapati B. Colorectal Cancer. View