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Published on 14.05.18 in Vol 7, No 5 (2018): May

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Works citing "A Mobile Health Intervention to Reduce Pain and Improve Health (MORPH) in Older Adults With Obesity: Protocol for the MORPH Trial"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/resprot.9712):

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  1. Fanning J, Opina M, Leng I, Lyles M, Nicklas B, Rejeski W. Empowered with Movement to Prevent Obesity & Weight Regain (EMPOWER): Design and methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2018;72:35
  2. Cajamarca G, Herskovic V, Rossel PO. Enabling Older Adults’ Health Self-Management through Self-Report and Visualization—A Systematic Literature Review. Sensors 2020;20(15):4348
  3. Bhattarai P, Newton-John TR, Phillips JL. Apps for pain self-management of older people’s arthritic pain, one size doesn’t fit all: A qualitative study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2020;89:104062
  4. Searcy RP, Summapund J, Estrin D, Pollak JP, Schoenthaler A, Troxel AB, Dodson JA. Mobile Health Technologies for Older Adults with Cardiovascular Disease: Current Evidence and Future Directions. Current Geriatrics Reports 2019;8(1):31
  5. Brooks AK, Miller Jr DP, Fanning JT, Suftin EL, Reid MC, Wells BJ, Leng X, Hurley RW. A Pain eHealth Platform for Engaging Obese, Older Adults with Chronic Low Back Pain in Nonpharmacological Pain Treatments: Protocol for a Pilot Feasibility Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2020;9(1):e14525
  6. Bhattarai P, Newton-John T, Phillips JL. Apps for Older People’s Pain Self-Management: Perspectives of Primary Care and Allied Health Clinicians. Pain Medicine 2020;21(4):686
  7. Pelle T, Bevers K, van der Palen J, van den Hoogen FHJ, van den Ende CHM. Development and evaluation of a tailored e-self-management intervention (dr. Bart app) for knee and/or hip osteoarthritis: study protocol. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2019;20(1)
  8. Fanning J, Brooks AK, Ip E, Nicklas BJ, Rejeski WJ, Nesbit B, Ford S. A Mobile Health Behavior Intervention to Reduce Pain and Improve Health in Older Adults With Obesity and Chronic Pain: The MORPH Pilot Trial. Frontiers in Digital Health 2020;2
  9. Fanning J, Brooks AK, Hsieh KL, Kershner K, Furlipa J, Nicklas BJ, Rejeski WJ. The Effects of a Pain Management-Focused Mobile Health Behavior Intervention on Older Adults’ Self-efficacy, Satisfaction with Functioning, and Quality of Life: a Randomized Pilot Trial. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2022;29(2):240
  10. Fanning J, Brooks AK, Hsieh KL, Kershner K, Furlipa J, Nicklas BJ, Rejeski WJ. Building on Lessons Learned in a Mobile Intervention to Reduce Pain and Improve Health (MORPH): Protocol for the MORPH-II Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(7):e29013
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  13. Suh A, Li M. How the use of mobile fitness technology influences older adults’ physical and psychological well-being. Computers in Human Behavior 2022;131:107205
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  17. Mankowski RT, Justice JN. Translational research on aging and adaptations to exercise. Experimental Gerontology 2022;166:111872
  18. Hughes JM, Brown RT, Fanning J, Raj M, Bisson ANS, Ghneim M, Kritchevsky SB, Meeks S. Achieving and Sustaining Behavior Change for Older Adults: A Research Centers Collaborative Network Workshop Report. The Gerontologist 2023;63(8):1268
  19. Fanning J, Brooks AK, Robison JT, Irby MB, Ford S, N’Dah K, Rejeski WJ. Associations between patterns of physical activity, pain intensity, and interference among older adults with chronic pain: a secondary analysis of two randomized controlled trials. Frontiers in Aging 2023;4
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  21. Brooks AK, Athawale A, Rush V, Yearout A, Ford S, Rejeski WJ, Strahley A, Fanning J. Successes and lessons learned from a mobile health behavior intervention to reduce pain and improve health in older adults with obesity and chronic pain: a qualitative study. Frontiers in Pain Research 2024;5