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Published on 17.05.18 in Vol 7, No 5 (2018): May

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Works citing "A Digital App to Aid Detection, Monitoring, and Management of Dyslexia in Young Children (DIMMAND): Protocol for a Digital Health and Education Solution"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/resprot.9583):

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  1. Haridas M, Gutjahr G, Raman R, Ramaraju R, Nedungadi P. Predicting school performance and early risk of failure from an intelligent tutoring system. Education and Information Technologies 2020;25(5):3995
  2. Song H, Yi D, Park H, Rodríguez C. Validation of a mobile game-based assessment of cognitive control among children and adolescents. PLOS ONE 2020;15(3):e0230498
  3. Bilbao C, Piñero DP. Diagnosis of oculomotor anomalies in children with learning disorders. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2020;103(5):597
  4. Yildirim O, Surer E. Developing Adaptive Serious Games for Children With Specific Learning Difficulties: A Two-phase Usability and Technology Acceptance Study. JMIR Serious Games 2021;9(2):e25997
  5. Hoskins WH, Hobbs WI, Eason MJ, Decker S, Tang J. The design and implementation of the Carolina Automated Reading Evaluation for reading deficit screening. Computers in Human Behavior Reports 2021;4:100123
  6. Barua PD, Vicnesh J, Gururajan R, Oh SL, Palmer E, Azizan MM, Kadri NA, Acharya UR. Artificial Intelligence Enabled Personalised Assistive Tools to Enhance Education of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders—A Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(3):1192
  7. Vajs I, Ković V, Papić T, Savić AM, Janković MM. Spatiotemporal Eye-Tracking Feature Set for Improved Recognition of Dyslexic Reading Patterns in Children. Sensors 2022;22(13):4900
  8. Aaradhi V, Chakraborty D. EdTech applications and their adoption in Indian education sector–a bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 2024;14(2):510

According to Crossref, the following books are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/resprot.9583):

  1. Cardoso P, Peçaibes V, Giesteira B, Castro LCD. Handbook of Research on Solving Modern Healthcare Challenges With Gamification. 2021. chapter 10:154
  2. Joseph S, Miodus S, Farley F. Handbook of Media Psychology. 2024. Chapter 13:169