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Published on 17.03.17 in Vol 6, No 3 (2017): March

This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:

Works citing "Biometrics and Policing: A Protocol for Multichannel Sensor Data Collection and Exploratory Analysis of Contextualized Psychophysiological Response During Law Enforcement Operations"

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  2. Wilbur RE, Griffin JS, Sorensen M, Furberg RD. Establishing Digital Biomarkers for Occupational Health Assessment in Commercial Salmon Fishermen: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2018;7(12):e10215
  3. Richardson NJ, Barrick K, Strom KJ. Is policing safer today?. Criminology & Public Policy 2019;18(1):37
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  5. Coffman DL, Cai X, Li R, Leonard NR. Challenges and Opportunities in Collecting and Modeling Ambulatory Electrodermal Activity Data. JMIR Biomedical Engineering 2020;5(1):e17106
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  7. Aranda JAS, Bavaresco RS, de Carvalho JV, Yamin AC, Tavares MC, Barbosa JLV. A computational model for adaptive recording of vital signs through context histories. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2023;14(12):16047
  8. Winz M, Söderström O, Rizzotti-Kaddouri A, Visinand S, Ourednik A, Küster J, Bailey B. Stress and emotional arousal in urban environments: A biosocial study with persons having experienced a first-episode of psychosis and persons at risk. Health & Place 2022;75:102762
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