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Published on 25.01.13 in Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Jan-Jun

This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:

Works citing "The Natural History of Spina Bifida in Children Pilot Project: Research Protocol"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/resprot.2209):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Alriksson-Schmidt AI, Arner M, Westbom L, Krumlinde-Sundholm L, Nordmark E, Rodby-Bousquet E, Hägglund G. A combined surveillance program and quality register improves management of childhood disability. Disability and Rehabilitation 2017;39(8):830
  2. Levin-Decanini T, Miller E, Houtrow A, Kreashko L, Cassidy B, Brei T, Castillo JP. Implementation of intimate partner violence education for adolescents with spina bifida. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2019;12(4):339
  3. Thibadeau J, Reeder MR, Andrews J, Ong K, Feldkamp ML, Rice S, Alriksson-Schmidt A. Understanding the Natural Progression of Spina Bifida: Prospective Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(9):e180
  4. Alriksson-Schmidt A, Josenby AL, Lindquist B, Westbom L, Castillo J. Pain and health status in adults with myelomeningocele living in Sweden. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2018;11(4):255
  5. Lee SH, Shin HI, Nam T, Park Y, Kim D, Kwon J. Growth profile assessment of young adults with tethered cord syndrome: a retrospective cohort analysis of Korean conscription data. Child's Nervous System 2021;37(6):1973
  6. Caceres A, Blount JP, Messing-Jünger M, Chatterjee S, Fieggen G, Salomao JF. The International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery resolution on mandatory folic acid fortification of staple foods for prevention of spina bifida and anencephaly and associated disability and child mortality. Child's Nervous System 2021;37(6):1809
  7. Buckley M, Boland P, Gowran RJ. Understanding Parents’ Perspectives of Support Services for People Living with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus in Ireland: A Qualitative Exploration. Disabilities 2021;1(4):406
  8. Alriksson-Schmidt AI, Ong K, Reeder MR, Thibadeau JK, Feldkamp ML. Site, frequency, and duration of pain in young children with spina bifida. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 2021;14(4):571
  9. Shin HI, Jung SH. Body Fat Distribution and Associated Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults With Cerebral Palsy. Frontiers in Neurology 2021;12